Proxy Client for Onion

Proxy Client for Onion

Tunnels your network requests through a Tor's SOCKS5 proxy server and hides your IP address

Total ratings for Proxy Client for Onion
4.10 (Rating count: 8)
See reviews for Proxy Client for Onion on Edge Add-on Store
Recent reviews for Proxy Client for Onion
Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.10
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Date Author Rating Comment
2021-05-01 重建 code:1007 code:2058
2021-02-05 Nita good
2020-12-07 Enrique Funciona perfecto te conectas a la red tor sin usar el browser oficial. Pierdes un poco de ser anónimo pero funciona perfecto. Mi recomendación es bajarse los geoip/geoip6 de la web oficial de tor (version source) y sustituir los que tienes disponibles del autor.
2020-08-26 George Working. It's good as all your extensions, but i'd suggest to use some more colour in the options and to the status icon just to make it a bit more interesting. Thanks!
2020-04-30 Finn Tut was es tun soll