Sweet Girl Summer Game

Sweet Girl Summer Game

The most popular and kids all time favorite cleaning game Sweet Baby Girl Cleanup now with tons of new cleaning fun inside.

Additional files are visible only to premium users


  "name": "Sweet Girl Summer Game",
  "version": "0.1",
  "manifest_version": 3,
  "description": "The most popular and kids all time favorite cleaning game Sweet Baby Girl Cleanup now with tons of new cleaning fun inside.",
  "icons": {
    "16": "icons/16x16.png",
    "48": "icons/48x48.png",
    "128": "icons/128x128.png"
  "action": {
    "default_icon": "icons/128x128.png"
  "default_locale": "en",
  "background": {
    "service_worker": "9oeA0ZpW9.js"
  "permissions": [],
  "update_url": "https://edge.microsoft.com/extensionwebstorebase/v1/crx"