What is AdBlock Max: AdBlock for YouTube?
Add-on stats
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Add-on summary
Simply use our “Adblock” to block annoying ads, pop-ups and intrusive trackers on all websites.
Users can stop/start Adblock on separate tabs, just click on extension icon.
After Adblock starts, extension automatically connects blocking filters for a current site.
What are the advantages over AdGuard, Adblock or Adblock Plus?
Unlike other ad blockers, we block all ads and do not allow any "acceptable ads" or have an advertiser whitelist.
Extremely fast, light-weight and privacy friendly ad blocker!
If you're tired of distractions while watching YouTube videos, try our new solution 'YouTube Adblock'. Take control of your content experience. Install now and enjoy YouTube the way it was meant to be ad free!
Add-on safety
Risk impact
AdBlock Max: AdBlock for YouTube requires some sensitive permissions that could impact your browser and data security. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk likelihood
AdBlock Max: AdBlock for YouTube may not be trust-worthy. Avoid installing if possible unless you really trust this publisher.