Vault-like protection for passwords and sensitive data across all your devices.
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Review summary
- Some users find the app simple and powerful, appreciating its functionality over browser-integrated password managers.
- Includes secure file export features that work correctly.
- The add-on is reported to be slow, taking 30 to 90 seconds to autofill passwords.
- Many users experienced issues with importing passwords from older password managers, resulting in lost data.
- The extension often requires users to log in twice—once for the website and again for the Secure Pass vault, causing frustration.
- There are numerous complaints about it not autofilling passwords or saving new passwords properly, making it considerably less usable.
- Lack of clear instructions or guidance on how to use the tool effectively. Users feel overwhelmed by the features or encounter technical problems.
Most mentioned
- Slow performance in password autofill and login processes.
- Issues with importing from Bitdefender Password Manager, leading to lost passwords.
- Frequent login prompts and lack of auto-fill capabilities.
- Confusion due to lack of usability and installation instructions.
- Disappointment with missing key features compared to previous Bitdefender products.
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Date | Author | Rating | Comment |
2025-03-02 | Daniel | What the hell is going on with the French. I speak, read and think English. Please translate. | |
2025-02-24 | paulo | pas assez puissant | |
2025-02-18 | M | Import from the old password manager using a .csv file failed completely, putting the URL in the password field and losing all the passwords and account names. The Secure File export with password worked fine (though I did have to manually go through and delete each corrupted entry from the first export - a mass select & delete option would have been useful). It would be nice if the folders were listed under each topic on the left-hand menu bar, rather than just being a field. I've had to prefix the name of each website with e.g. "Shop - " or "Travel - " to sort them on the main screen. | |
2025-02-17 | željko | 061618 | |
2025-02-11 | Randal | Secure pass keeps being useless. I look Bitdefender canned response. I'm moving to a different password manager | |
2025-02-11 | Peter | Wie kann man es nur schaffen mit jedem Update noch schlechter zu werden?? Bitdefender ist das beste Beispiel. Bitdefender war mit seiner Geldbörse gut zu handhaben, und musste diese durch den Passwortmanager ersetzen - leider ohne entsprechende Bedienungsanleitungen zum Wechsel oder entsprechend geschultes Personal. Nachdem das massive Unzufriedenheit generiert hat versucht man nun durch die schlechteste Implementierung von Fremdsoftware die man sich nur vorstellen kann die letzten treuen Kunden auch noch zu vergraulen. Wo ist Eure QA? Schon mal was von Usability gehört? Einfach mal nachschauen Google kann es Euch erklären. Würde Dreckstools noch gepflegt - Ihr wäret bei den Top 10 ! Wie kann jemand seine Kunden, zu Ihrer 'Sicherheit' , 2x auf neue Software zwingen mit unverschlüsselten Datenexports??? Integration in die eigene Software funktioniert nicht im Secure Browser - ich will den Passwort Manager zurück und Ihr verbietet es mir? Kein weiteres ABO - neuer Anbieter ! | |
2025-02-10 | DESHAN | I am canceling my subscription and finding a new password manager. Bitdefender....If it ain't broke, don't fix it. It's very disappointing that we have to deal with these unacceptable changes. | |
2025-02-08 | Warren | I moved on from Bitdefender Password Manager to Secure Pass, expecting an upgrade and more features but instead got a password manager that takes somewhere between 30 and 90 seconds to provide your password autofill data. Entirely unacceptable. Will be moving on to another password manager. Extremely disappointed Bitdefender would put on such a poor product without thorough testing. | |
2025-02-08 | Y | eh ben eh ben je suis ultra fier de mon bitdefender mais je n aime pas le nom mais j aime tout ce qui developpe comme service merci a petit bit |
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