History On/Off is an efficient add-on to your Edge browser. With a single click, it pauses the history logging and another click resumes it. When the history logging is off, a red 'X' is displayed on the toolbar button as a clear indicator. Although it prevents the recording of browsing data, it doesn't interfere with cookies, local storage, or browser cache. However, when the history recording is paused, the back/forward buttons of the browser will not function as they would need the history to do their job.
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This extension works as a simple on/off switch. Click to pause history logging. Click again to resume.
When browsing history is disabled, a red "X" will be added to the toolbar button. This way you'll always know if history is currently enabled or disabled.
This extension will only disable history recording, but it doesn't deal with cookies, local storage, browser cache etc. In other words -- all web sites will work as always, except that your visits will not be recorded in the history.
Important Note
When history recording is paused the back/forward buttons of the browser will not work.
(To do their job these buttons need... the history and we are disabling exactly the history)
User reviews
This is the best addon that I have ever used!!!!!!!!
It worked really well till lately it automatically turns on and doesn't delete the recently closed pages. This has gotten very annoying as it does nothing but takes up more space on my computer.