Hashtag Generator

Hashtag Generator

  • Hashtag Generator
  • Hashtag Generator
What is Hashtag Generator?
Hashtag Generator is a powerful Edge add-on that allows you to generate trending hashtags for your social media posts. Simply enter your keyword, click generate, and two catchy and relevant hashtags will be generated for you. Additionally, explore an extensive library of trending hashtags on TikTok. Elevate your social media presence with just a few clicks and unlock your social media potential!
By: IBEX Devs
Users: 360 ▼ -70
Version: 1.0 (Last updated: 2023-06-18)
Creation date: 2023-06-18
Risk impact: Very low risk impact
Risk likelihood: High risk likelihood
Manifest version: 3
Size: 11.57K
Stats date:

Other platforms

Not available on Chrome
Not available on Firefox
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🔍🔮 Generate trending hashtags with ease! This Google Chrome extension empowers you to effortlessly create hashtags for your social media posts. 🚀💬

✨ Simply enter your desired keyword into the text box, click the "Generate" button, and let the magic happen! ✨💡

🔥📝 Instantly, two catchy and relevant hashtags will be generated for you based on your keyword. Copy and paste them into your posts to enhance visibility and engagement. 📲💥

🔄 Need more hashtag inspiration? Click on the "Generate More" button to explore an extensive library of trending hashtags on the popular platform TikTok. 🌟💯

🌐💻 Explore the world of hashtags and elevate your social media presence with just a few clicks! Install this extension now and experience the power of smart hashtag generation. 💪🌈

Remember, hashtags are the key to unlocking your social media potential! 🗝️✨

Risk impact

Hashtag Generator is safe to use. It does not request any sensitive permissions.

Risk likelihood

Hashtag Generator may not be trust-worthy. Avoid installing if possible unless you really trust this publisher.

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