Plugin Controller

Enable or disable other Chrome extensions.

Plugin Controller - Manage Your Extensions Efficiently

"Plugin Controller" is a powerful browser extension manager that lets users efficiently enable and disable their extensions with one-click operations, batch grouping, keyboard shortcuts, and more, addressing performance and conflict issues in Chrome.

Add-on stats

By: TianleLi
Users: 685
Version: 1.0 (Last updated: 2023-10-19)
Creation date: 2023-10-19
Risk impact: Low risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 3
  • management
Size: 43.32K
URLs: Website

Other platforms

Not available on Chrome
Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
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Add-on summary

Brief Introduction Plugin Controller is a powerful browser extension manager designed to help users efficiently manage their browser extensions. With a user-friendly interface, this extension offers one-click disable/enable for all extensions, grouping extensions for batch operations, quickly enabling or disabling individual extensions, and provides keyboard shortcuts to further speed up operations.

Why did I develop this extension? In our daily use of browsers, we often find ourselves installing various extensions to accomplish specific tasks or functions. However, as the number of extensions increases, managing and controlling them becomes more and more cumbersome. Even when we are not currently using these extensions, they still run in the background, continuously consuming resources, and may conflict, causing some inexplicable problems. This is the motivation for developing this extension.

Here are some problems I often face:

Conflict Issues: As the number of installed extensions increases, they may conflict with each other, and some plugins may also conflict with certain websites. These conflicts can lead to page loading errors or unexpected behavior.

Performance Issues: Many extensions are set to be active on all websites by default. This means that when we visit a website, in addition to the site's own requests, there are a large number of requests from these extensions. This not only slows down page loading but may also consume a lot of system resources, making the browser and even the entire system sluggish.

Management Inconvenience: Chrome's default extension list does not offer quick enable or disable functions. Sometimes when facing conflict issues that need quick troubleshooting, we have to go to the "Manage Extensions" detailed settings page each time and disable/enable plugins one by one for step-by-step troubleshooting, which is very cumbersome and extremely inefficient.

Core Features

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Add-on safety

Risk impact

Plugin Controller requires very minimum permissions.

Risk likelihood

Plugin Controller has earned a fairly good reputation and likely can be trusted.

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