What is WebOutLoud - Text to Speech Web Reader?
Add-on stats
Add-on summary
The smartest website reader on The Edge Browser. WebOutLoud reads websites out loud using the high-quality native voice included with your operating system. Or choose from dozens of additional premium voices across all major languages. No text selection is required. It will automatically continue reading paragraph after paragraph. Not only that, it will highlight words as it reads them.
It's simple! Just navigate to any web page and click play. Web Out Loud will read web pages using Microsoft's high quality text-to-speech synthesis technology.
- It reads pretty much any webpage you can throw at it.
- Highlights words and paragraphs as it reads.
- Tell the app where to begin reading using "Click Assist," or enable the powerful Smart Mode to isolate readable content automatically.
- Dozens of different voices to choose from in multiple languages.
User reviews
Add-on safety
Risk impact
WebOutLoud - Text to Speech Web Reader requires very minimum permissions.
Risk likelihood
WebOutLoud - Text to Speech Web Reader is probably trust-worthy. Prefer other publishers if available. Exercise caution when installing this add-on.