No Scripts for Microsoft Edge

No Scripts for Microsoft Edge

Protect your browser, prevent bad scripts from being accessed by the websites you visit.

What is No Scripts for Microsoft Edge?
No Scripts for Microsoft Edge is a browser add-on that allows you to automatically disable javascript, flash, images/fonts, and view HTML/plain text while surfing the Internet. It provides online security by preventing bad scripts from being accessed by the websites you visit.
This add-on was removed from Edge Add-on Store on 2023-02-19
Users: 2,367
Rating: 3.00 (4)
Version: 1.0.0 (Last updated: 2021-01-27)
Creation date: 2021-01-27
Risk impact: High risk impact
Risk likelihood: High risk likelihood
Manifest version: 2
  • contextMenus
  • storage
  • tabs
  • webNavigation
  • webRequest
  • webRequestBlocking
  • <all_urls>
Size: 448.68K
Stats date:

Other platforms

No Scripts for Google Chrome™
No Scripts for Google Chrome™ (v1.0.0)
5.00 (9) 3,000
Not available on Firefox
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Want to disable all scripts while you are surfing the Internet?

Here is a quick and simple way to ensure your online security while you are surfing the Internet.

When you install this extension, it allows you to automatically disable the

javascript, flash, images/fonts when you are visiting an unfamilar website.

This extension lets you know the exact scripts which are running on the current tab you are in and allows you to use rules to automatically disable/enable these scripts based on whether you trust the website or not. Use No scripts for Microsoft Edge to just view HTML/plain text while you are surfing the internet.

You also have the option of disabling these browsing rules for the specific website tab you are on. Enable/disable this extension with the click of a button, its extremely easy to switch on/off.

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User reviews
After installing this all address bar searches go through - crapware. No, thanks.
by Ivan, 2022-05-18

It is nice to see a NoScript extension that is not sponsored by those with more interest in mamon than security . . . Bob
by Bob, 2021-02-15
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Risk impact

No Scripts for Microsoft Edge is risky to use as it requires a number of sensitive permissions that can potentially harm your browser and steal your data. Exercise caution when installing this add-on. Review carefully before installing. We recommend that you only install No Scripts for Microsoft Edge if you trust the publisher.

Risk likelihood

No Scripts for Microsoft Edge may not be trust-worthy. Avoid installing if possible unless you really trust this publisher.

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