Stay secure with CyberGhost

Stay secure with CyberGhost

Unblock any restricted website with CyberGhost VPN Proxy! One-Click connect to secure your connection! Unlimited traffic –100% FREE!

Total ratings for Stay secure with CyberGhost
4.20 (Rating count: 29)
See reviews for Stay secure with CyberGhost on Edge Add-on Store
Recent reviews for Stay secure with CyberGhost
Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.20
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Date Author Rating Comment
2022-02-13 小陈 Very good
2022-01-24 Takchawee It worked in the beginning (a few hours) then it just stopped while using it. First it started turning off all by itself. Then it was showing itself to be on but was not. How do I know this? Well I checked my local weather and it showed my city and state. Also I ran a check of my public I.P. address and it was there. No, I'm not impressed and this is another example of you get what you pay for.
2022-01-08 fayaz i develope it and use it :)
2021-12-14 B14ND Once you install it,it always runs automatically when Edge's started up and won't respond to the switch button. But it works so... Yeah And the widget is extremely simple on my end,there is just a switch button and region selection menu with 4 countries available. IT JUST WORKS. Edit: Glad I can help,and please adjust the widget panel as well,its too big for so little layouts and maybe add a background to it. Great extension,I'd love to see it gets some more updates in the future.