Add-on stats
Add-on summary
Skip ads on Hulu
Fast Forward Through Commercials on Hulu and block ads!
Our Ad skipper detects ads then mutes and fast forwards through them. It's essentially an ad blocker for Hulu.
Now supports skipping ads in Live recordings
Disclaimer: All product and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. This website & extensions hold no association or affiliation with them or any third-party companies.
⚠❗** Please note: Our team is aware that some users have experienced issues with our product. We are actively working on finding a solution. If you have encountered a bug, please consider providing detailed information about the circumstances and steps leading up to the problem. Your feedback will be of immense help to our QA team. Thanks for understanding! **❗⚠
Add-on safety
Risk impact
Hulu Ad Skipper | Ad Blocker requires a few sensitive permissions. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk likelihood
Hulu Ad Skipper | Ad Blocker is probably trust-worthy. Prefer other publishers if available. Exercise caution when installing this add-on.