Add-on stats
Add-on summary
Automatically skip ads, hide background, and click next episode button on Tubi.
Looking for Tubi AdBlocker? Then this extension is for you! Save time (and nerves) with Tubi Ad Skipper | Ad Blocker.
🔎How does it work? Tubi Ad Skipper detects ads on Tubi, mutes, and fast-forwards through them. The extension will block all commercials.
Additionally, the extension allows you to skip to the next episode on Tubi automatically. All that’s left for you is uninterrupted binge-watching.
Bonus: "hide background" option - Tubi Ad Skipper | Ad Blocker changes the Tubi player opacity to 100%, so you can say goodbye to the see-through video on Tubi.
❓How to use it? Disabling ads has never been easier:
- Add Tubi Ad Skipper | Ad Blocker to Chrome
- Go to your Extensions (a puzzle piece icon in Chrome's top right corner.)
User reviews
Add-on safety
Risk impact
Tubi Ad Skipper | Ad Blocker requires very minimum permissions.
Risk likelihood
Tubi Ad Skipper | Ad Blocker is probably trust-worthy. Prefer other publishers if available. Exercise caution when installing this add-on.