AdBlock Stream

AdBlock Stream

A light Ad Blocker that prevents lots of Ads to be displayed

AdBlock Stream
What is AdBlock Stream?
AdBlock Stream is a light ad blocker Edge add-on designed specifically to prevent numerous unrequested ads from popping up on popular platforms, including Google and YouTube. It functions by blocking ad requests and adding failsafe JavaScript and CSS. Despite its potency, It effortlessly goes undetected by most anti-adblock detectors, granting users an uninterrupted browsing experience, even on sites notoriously known for insisting disabling ad blockers. However, the add-on is yet to provide solutions to block video ads or Facebook ads but is currently in development. In addition, it features a daily custom script check to incorporate all the latest ad blockings and uses a public blocking source. Feedback and suggestions are highly welcomed.
Rating: 4.10 (22)
Version: (Last updated: 2021-02-05)
Creation date: 2021-02-05
Risk impact: High risk impact
Risk likelihood: Low risk likelihood
Manifest version: 2
  • webNavigation
  • webRequest
  • webRequestBlocking
  • https://*/*
  • storage
  • tabs
Size: 383.46K
Stats date:

Other platforms

AdBlock Stream
AdBlock Stream (v1.1.2.54)
4.21 (42) 100,000
Not available on Firefox
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Block many ads used on Google, YouTube and popular websites.

We block ads before they're displayed by blocking the requests and add also failsafe JS and CSS.

Goes undetected by most anti-adblock scripts ! So you should be able to access all sites even the ones that force you to disable Adblockers.

For now it does NOT block video ads or Facebook ads but we are working on it.

You may disable AdBlock Stream at any time by using the toggle button after clicking on the icon.

AdBlock Stream checks for custom script daily in our server to make sure we add all the latest ad blockings.

We use a public blocking source :

Please visit our website and send us your feedback and suggestions.

User reviews
This was useless it doesn't stop looping video ads
by Stuart, 2021-11-27

leider nur 4 sterne weil schwer zum verstehen ist
by Tim, 2020-12-19

um coco
by Arthur, 2020-11-26
View all user reviews
Risk impact

AdBlock Stream is risky to use as it requires a number of sensitive permissions that can potentially harm your browser and steal your data. Exercise caution when installing this add-on. Review carefully before installing. We recommend that you only install AdBlock Stream if you trust the publisher.

Risk likelihood

AdBlock Stream has earned a fairly good reputation and likely can be trusted.

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