What is Adblock for Youtube?
Add-on stats
Add-on summary
AdBlock for YouTube tool effectively blocks all types of advertising on YouTube, and others!
AdBlock - remove ads you even not detect as ads.
Lightweight, but effective ad blocker utility stop ads on Youtube and other popular video websites. Install Adblock for Youtube right now and completely forget about ad.
What are the advantages of Adblocker for YouTube?
- Block ads on the most popular Youtube
- Text advertisement, banners, video ads and flash
- Remove ad before downloading and not just removed ads after its downloading
What AdBlocker does:
★ Blocks all ads: video ads (includes YouTube adblock), rich media advertising, unwanted pop-ups (pop-up blocker), banners and text ads (includes Facebook adblock)
See moreAdd-on safety
Risk impact
Adblock for Youtube requires some sensitive permissions that could impact your browser and data security. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk likelihood
Adblock for Youtube is probably trust-worthy. Prefer other publishers if available. Exercise caution when installing this add-on.