Edge add-on with keyword - screen time tracker

View results for screen time tracker in Edge Add-on Store
Keyword difficulty: 9

Add-ons (also known as extensions) are small programs that run inside web browsers like Microsoft Edge. They add extra features to the browser without having to download anything new. You can use extensions to make browsing faster, easier, and safer. Some extensions even let you do things like translate text on websites, search the web, and play games.

There are over 8,000 Edge-addons, making it hard to find the best ones. so we have created a way to sort through all of them. Use the dropdown above to set different filters. Add-ons are sorted by number of active users.

To set even more advanced filters, and sort the Edge add-ons differently, please visit our Advanced search tool. Note that Advanced search tool is only available to premium members.

8 results. Page 1 of 1.
#1, WakaTime
Automatic time tracking for Edge.
0.00 (0)
Tabs Tracker
#2, Tabs Tracker
Tabs Tracker
Ali Siddiqui
Track, Manage, and Control Your Web Time. Take Control of Your Productivity with our Powerful Tab Time Tracker!
0.00 (0)
比特币行情 上班盯盘助手 - 综合欧意okex欧易okx、币安等交易所
#3, 比特币行情 上班盯盘助手 - 综合欧意okex欧易okx、币安等交易所
比特币行情 上班盯盘助手 - 综合欧意okex欧易okx、币安等交易所
上班时间炒币必备插件!实时关注最新价格 - 综合欧意okex欧易okx、币安等交易所
4.90 (10)
Noads - 广告拦截器
#4, Noads - 广告拦截器
Noads - 广告拦截器
Noads 是一款专门为“屏蔽视频片头广告”而诞生的广告屏蔽扩展;并且还可以高效屏蔽网页上的所有广告,还可以根据用户需求手动屏蔽页面元素。
2.90 (16)
Amazon Keyword Ranking & Index Checker
#5, Amazon Keyword Ranking & Index Checker
Amazon Keyword Ranking & Index Checker
Free Amazon keyword ranking & index check tool by SellerApp - The most accurate Amazon seller tool for all amazon market places.
0.00 (0)
GMPlus - Open AI Chat GPT For Gmail - Chatgpt Gmail
#6, GMPlus - Open AI Chat GPT For Gmail - Chatgpt Gmail
GMPlus - Open AI Chat GPT For Gmail - Chatgpt Gmail
Display ChatGPT response as a suggestion to complete emails, Powered By OpenAI
3.00 (2)
Dashy: New Tab Dashboard
#7, Dashy: New Tab Dashboard
Dashy: New Tab Dashboard
Dashy LLC
Integrate dozens of apps and productivity tools to customize your New Tab.
4.60 (21)
Hitab - a new tab with ChatGPT
#8, Hitab - a new tab with ChatGPT
Hitab - a new tab with ChatGPT
HiTab supports customizing your homepage with widgets, including dark mode, and has integrated ChatGPT.
2.00 (1)
8 results. Page 1 of 1.