Edge add-on with keyword - ad-blocking

View results for ad-blocking in Edge Add-on Store
Keyword difficulty: 64

Add-ons (also known as extensions) are small programs that run inside web browsers like Microsoft Edge. They add extra features to the browser without having to download anything new. You can use extensions to make browsing faster, easier, and safer. Some extensions even let you do things like translate text on websites, search the web, and play games.

There are over 8,000 Edge-addons, making it hard to find the best ones. so we have created a way to sort through all of them. Use the dropdown above to set different filters. Add-ons are sorted by number of active users.

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276 results. Page 1 of 12.
AdBlock — block ads across the web
#1, AdBlock — block ads across the web
AdBlock — block ads across the web
Adblock, Inc.
Block pop-ups and intrusive ads across YouTube, Facebook, and your favorite websites with AdBlock – a trusted ad blocker worldwide.
4.10 (1,273)
Adblock Plus - free ad blocker
#2, Adblock Plus - free ad blocker
Adblock Plus - free ad blocker
eyeo GmbH
Block YouTube™ ads, pop-ups & fight malware!
4.20 (1,139)
Ad block Stampy
#3, Ad block Stampy
Ad block Stampy
Stampy ad block
Ad block Stampy - simple ad block for ads and unwanted content.
5.00 (3,214)
Crystal Ad block
#4, Crystal Ad block
Crystal Ad block
Crystal ad blocker
Crystal ad block - Open source and transparent ad block software.
5.00 (2,483)
Adkrig ad block
#5, Adkrig ad block
Adkrig ad block
Adkrig ad block
Adkrig ad block Fiercely Fights Ads and Makes the Web Clean
5.00 (1,101)
Ad Remover - Ad Blocker for Edge
#6, Ad Remover - Ad Blocker for Edge
Ad Remover - Ad Blocker for Edge
BrowseTech LLC
The extension blocks all types of internet ads, including banner, text, popup, and video ads.
4.40 (1,804)
Prism Adblock
#7, Prism Adblock
Prism Adblock
Prism Adblock
Prism Adblock: Transform Your Browsing Experience with Effortless Ad Blocking
5.00 (1,895)
Vapur Ad Blocker
#8, Vapur Ad Blocker
Vapur Ad Blocker
Vapur Ad Blocker
Vapur Ad Blocker: Say Goodbye to Intrusive Ads and Enjoy a Seamless, Distraction-Free Web Experience
5.00 (2,383)
Removing Ads
#9, Removing Ads
Removing Ads
OMG Studios LTD
RemovingAds is a free and powerful ad blocker extension for Chrome and other browsers.
5.00 (103)
AdTubeGuard Youtube Ad blocker
#10, AdTubeGuard Youtube Ad blocker
AdTubeGuard Youtube Ad blocker
Youtube Ad blocker plus
AdTubeGuard Youtube Ad blocker: block ads on Youtube - banners, preroll ads, annotations
5.00 (2,100)
Adblock Ultimate - ad block for all Websites
#11, Adblock Ultimate - ad block for all Websites
Adblock Ultimate - ad block for all Websites
AdBlock Ultimate
Effectively ablock tool on all websites in Edge. Block ads and popup, banners, pre-roll. Perfect adblocker for remove Youtube ads.
4.70 (127)
Ad blocker Turbo
#12, Ad blocker Turbo
Ad blocker Turbo
Ad Blocker Turbo
Ad blocker Turbo - performant ad blocker software for your browser. Fast and easy-to-use.
5.00 (2,580)
blockerDNS Ad & Tracker Blocking
#13, blockerDNS Ad & Tracker Blocking
blockerDNS Ad & Tracker Blocking
Block ads and online trackers with blockerDNS's free Microsoft Edge extension
1.00 (1)
Stopza Adblocker
#14, Stopza Adblocker
Stopza Adblocker
Stopza Ad block team
Effortless adbocker and content filtering
5.00 (2,422)
Twitter Ads Blocker - Free Tool
#15, Twitter Ads Blocker - Free Tool
Twitter Ads Blocker - Free Tool
Tybay Ava
Introducing Twitter Ads Blocker - Free Tool, your go-to solution for an ad-free Twitter experience!
5.00 (30)
Video Ad Blocker for Facebook™ App Extension
#16, Video Ad Blocker for Facebook™ App Extension
Video Ad Blocker for Facebook™ App Extension
Programmer Hat
Blocks video and image ads from the facebook app news feed. And it actually works
5.00 (28)
Adstopper adblock software
#17, Adstopper adblock software
Adstopper adblock software
Adstopper adblock
Stop all kinds of ads and protect from malware. Adblock software
5.00 (3,291)
YTube AdSkipper - Ad-Free YouTube
#18, YTube AdSkipper - Ad-Free YouTube
YTube AdSkipper - Ad-Free YouTube
Edge Developer
Enjoy your entertainment with ad-free video streaming for uninterrupted viewing
4.70 (33)
ShieldSpan Adblock
#19, ShieldSpan Adblock
ShieldSpan Adblock
ShieldSpan Adblock
Blocks banners, video ads, popups, and tracking domains with no exceptions with ShieldSpan Adblock
5.00 (2,304)
YT Ad Block
#20, YT Ad Block
YT Ad Block
YT Ad Block
0.00 (0)
AdGuard AdBlocker
#21, AdGuard AdBlocker
AdGuard AdBlocker
Unmatched adblock extension against advertising and pop-ups. Blocks ads on Facebook, YouTube and all other websites.
4.80 (5,815)
Adtrooper adblocker
#22, Adtrooper adblocker
Adtrooper adblocker
Adtropper adblocker
Adtrooper adblocker fights ads and protects your browsing experience
5.00 (1,801)
RampShield Adblock
#23, RampShield Adblock
RampShield Adblock
RampShield Ad Block
Blocks banners, video ads, popups, and tracking domains with no exceptions with RampShield Adblock
5.00 (1,639)
Stands AdBlocker
#24, Stands AdBlocker
Stands AdBlocker
Stands Ltd.
Block annoying ads, popups, malware and tracking (even on Facebook & Youtube), browse faster, and protect your privacy.
4.70 (112)
YouTube Ad Accelerator
#25, YouTube Ad Accelerator
YouTube Ad Accelerator
Vatsalya Singhi
The chrome tool improves your YouTube viewing by automating ad skipping, muting & playback acceleration without blocking ad.
4.40 (10)
276 results. Page 1 of 12.