股票基金助手 - 盯盘助手: Essential Stock and Fund Monitor for Professionals
"股票基金助手 - 盯盘助手" is an upgraded Edge add-on designed for professionals to monitor their stock market choices in real time. It allows you to display market information of selected stocks, funds and bonds, view real-time price trends and earnings situation. The add-on also enables setting up real-time alerts of stock price, fluctuations and offers rich charts. The seamless data synchronisation across platforms adds to the convenience.
Add-on stats
Risk impact: High risk impact
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Manifest version: 2
Size: 1.42M
URLs: Website ,Privacy policy
# 3,327
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Add-on summary
本产品是“股票基金助手”插件的增强版,多端实时同步 上班族炒股看基金利器。显示自选股票、基金、债券等行情等信息,数据实时准确,并且可以实时查看自选实时价格走势及收益情况;
具体功能: 一、股票(A股、场内基金、港美股票、债券) 1:实时数据有效;提供实时盘口数据(涨跌幅、换手率、交易额等) 2:丰富的图表;提供日内走势图、日K、周K、月K等图表信息 3:通知提醒功能;可设置股价、涨跌幅、五分钟内涨幅等条件进行提醒 4:实时收益;通过简单的设置可以实时展示股票收益(日收益/率、总收益/率) 5:更多的数据;个股资金流向、大盘云图等
二、基金(场外基金) 1:实时数据准确有效;提供实时估值数据。 2:丰富的图表;提供日内净值走势、历史业绩、基金持仓股走势、等图表信息。 3:实时收益;通过简单的设置可以实时展示基金收益(日收益/率、总收益/率)。
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Add-on safety
Risk impact
股票基金助手 - 盯盘助手 requires some sensitive permissions that could impact your browser and data security. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk likelihood
股票基金助手 - 盯盘助手 is probably trust-worthy. Prefer other publishers if available. Exercise caution when installing this add-on.
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